Prime numbers with a certain extremal type property

Edward Tutaj


The convex hull of the subgraph of the prime counting function x → π(x) is a convex set, bounded from above by a graph of some piecewise affine function x → ε(x). The vertices of this function form an infinite sequence of points (ek,π(ek))1. The elements of the sequence (ek)1 shall be called the extremal prime numbers. In this paper we present some observations about the sequence (ek)1 and we formulate a number of questions inspired by the numerical data. We prove also two - it seems - interesting results. First states that if the Riemann Hypothesis is true, then lim(ek+1/ek)=1. The second, also depending on Riemann Hypothesis, describes the order of magnitude of the differences between consecutive extremal prime numbers.


prime numbers; prime counting function; Riemann hypothesis

Mathematics Subject Classification (2010)



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This article by Edward Tutaj is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International(CC BY-SA 4.0) licence.

e-ISSN: 2300-133X, ISSN: 2081-545X

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