On systems of equations with unknown multifunctions related to the plurality function
∪t ∈ T Z(t)=R(m),
and the system of conditions
Z(t1)k1∩ Z(t2)k2+Z(t1)l1∩ Z(t2)l2 ⊂Z(t1)k1l1∩ Z(t2)k2l2
for all t1,t2 ∈ T and for all k1,k2,l1,l2 ∈ {0,1} such that k1l1+k2l2 ≠ 0, where R(m):=[0,+∞)m\ {0m}, Z(t)1:=Z(t), Z(t)0:=R(m) \ Z(t) the multifunctions are also satisfying system of equations obtained by replacing the inclusion in the above conditions by the equality. Next we study if this system of equations are equivalent to some system of conditional equations.
Mathematics Subject Classification
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