Boundary value problems with shift for generalized analytic vectors
Mathematics Subject Classification
Akhalaia, G. and G. Manjavidze. "Boundary value problems of the theory of generalized analytic vectors." Complex methods for partial differential equations. Vol. 6. Dordecht: Kluwer Acad. Publ., 1999. 57-97.
Manjavidze, N. "Boundary value problems for analytic and generalized analytic functions on a cut plane." Mem. Differential Equations Math. Phys. 33 (2004): 121-154.
Manjavidze, G. "Boundary value problems for analytic and generalized functions." Some Topics on Value Distribution and Differentiability in Complex and P-adic Analysis. Vol. 11. Beijing: Science Press, 2008. 499-631.
Manjavidze, G. and N. Manjavidze. "Boundary value problems for generalized analytic functions." J. Math. Sci. vol. 160.6 (2009): 745-821.
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