Higher order jet prolongations type gauge natural bundles over vector bundles
Let $r\geq 3$ and $m\geq 2$ be natural numbers and $E$ be a vector bundle with $m$-dimensional basis. We find all gauge natural bundles ``similar" to the $r$-jet prolongation bundle $J^rE$ of $E$. We also find all gauge natural bundles ``similar" to the vector $r$-tangent bundle $(J^r_{fl}(E,\R)_0)^*$ of $E$.
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e-ISSN: 2300-133X, ISSN: 2081-545X

Since 2017 Open Access in De Gruyter and CrossCheck access cofinanced by The Ministry of Science and Higher Education - Republic of Poland - DUN 775/P-DUN/2017 see more
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